Salavat-ı Şerifeler

by mgsoft



Allah Almighty says:“Verily, Allah and His angels send many blessings on the Prophet. O believers, bring peace to him and greet him with complete surrender!” (al-Ahzab, 56)Allah Almighty and His angels, whose numbers no one knows but Himself, constantly send blessings to the Prophet. In that case, we should always remember the Messenger of Allah -sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam- at every moment of our lives, surrender to him completely, and send lots of salat and salutations.Many salawat-i sharifs are waiting for you in our application. The source, virtue, salawat-i sharif and meaning information of the Salavats are in our application free of charge. You can bring salawat with the Salavat counter, and you can easily access the Salavats with the "Brought Salavat" feature. With the "Continue Where I Left Off" feature, you can continue reading from the last salawat you viewed. Font size can be adjusted.Some of the salats in our Salavat-i Sharifs application are as follows.Salat-ı Münciye (Tüncina)Salat-i NariyeSalat-i FatihSalat-i TefriciyeSalat-i UmmiyeSalat-i IbrahimiyyaSalavat-i Azam